GOODS Program Application - Human Groups The GOODS Program - HumansOrganization Organization Type - Select -HousingCommunity Resource & OutreachDomestic Violence Shelter/ResourcesWomen/Children Support GroupVeteransHuman FeedingEducation or LiteracyFederal Government AgencyState & Local Community ProgramLaw Enforcement AgencyFederal ID # Proof of Non-Profit Status - IRS Determination Letter Choose File Receive any government grants? yes or noYesNoWebsite Address Primary Contact Name Applicant's Position in Organization Email Phone Number Street Address (No PO Boxes) City State Zip Code Number of active volunteers Number of employees Do you conduct background checks on all employees/volunteers yes or noyesnoDo you provide housing? yes or noyesnoIf yes, do you follow fair housing laws? yes or noyesnoDo you provide food to people? yes or noyesnoIf yes, do you have all the reuired health and safety permits? yes or noyesnoIs this organization faith-based? yes or noYesNoIf yes, are religious activities required in order to receive goods or services? yes or noYesNoDo you have a relationship with a resale/thrift store? yes or noYesNoHow far away from East Ridge TN are you located? Mission Statement Describe Program Why are you requesting support from The GOODS Program? What sources do you receive funding from? Where are donations of in-kind goods stored and is it secure? How do you distribute donations? Is there a verification process to ensure only individuals who are in need receive the goods? Do you share donations with other organizations? How do you plan to use the GOODS donations? will you provide picutres and stories of recipients who receive supplies from the GOODS program? If so, do you have proper release of information documents in place to ensure all approvals are obtained? How did you hear about our program? Reference 1: Name, Phone Number, and Relation to Group Reference 2: Name, Phone Number, and Relation to Group Interview Times I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions. (Will open a new window.)Signature Date Submit Form