GOODS Program Application - Non-Rescue Animal Groups The GOODS Program - Non-RescueOrganization Organization Type - Select -Pet Food BankSanctuaryFeral Cat OrganizationFederal ID # Proof of Non-Profit Status - IRS Determination Letter Choose File Website Address Website link to adoptable animals, Do not put the word "Petfinder" or Primary Contact Name Applicant's Position in Organization Phone Number Email Street Address (No PO Boxes) City State Zip Code Number of active volunteers Number of employees Mission Statement Describe Adoption Program Does your organization have a contract to provide animal control services for any city, county, or municipality? If yes, please explain. Veterinary Reference - Name, Phone Number, Contact Person, Address Have you participated in a "donated" or "low cost" pet food program within the past 12 months? - Select -YesNoIf yes, please provide program name and frequency. Why are you requesting support from Rescue Bank? How did you hear about our program? Reference 1: Name, Phone Number, and Relation to Group Reference 2: Name, Phone Number, and Relation to Group Interview Times I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions. (Will open a new window.)Signature Date Submit Form